“Be gone!”

Those are the words of Betty from Bruderheim. Expressed when she faces change in her workday.

Fortunately, Betty is fictional. She’s a persona, developed to consider how change may affect the people in an organization. And fortunately, she precedes those words by “Be brief, be brilliant” – it’s a (kind of) loving expression that she is busy and not keen on spending a lot of time on the change.

This tale is from a talk on putting the “O” in Organizational Change Management at #acmpconnect by Don McNeill. Showcasing, amongst others, the use of personas when planning and executing #changemanagement at CWB Financial Group.

The Betty persona he showed was rather elaborate and easily too structured for smaller change initiatives, but a persona is a good way of getting out of the project- or change-bubble, asking “what would Betty say?” and by that opening up new perspectives.

So don’t tuck away the personas after the developers are done with their use cases, they may well come in handy 😀

Do you use personas when implementing change?


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